New Hampshire Friendship Chorus
Rehearsal Schedule
The Saturday rehearsal Schedule is as follows:
(#1 and #8 in Plymouth & #2-#7 in Manchester)
All Saturday rehearsals are 10:00 am - 1:00 pm and are mandatory. Any exceptions must be cleared with Music Director Dan Perkins
#1 May 11th -- Plymouth Congregational church
Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH
#2 May 18th -- Brookside Congregational Church
2013 Elm St., Manchester, NH
#3 May 25th --Brookside
#4 June 1st --Brookside
#5 June 8th -- Brookside
#6 June 15th --Brookside
#7 June 22nd -- Brookside
#8 June 29th -- Plymouth Congregational Church
Post officer Square, Plymouth, NH
Mid-week parts rehearsals
Manchester - Wednesdays, June 12 and June 26 @ 6:30 p.m. at the home of Maria & Mark DiNola, 121 Shaw Street, Manchester, NH
Plymouth - Wednesdays, May 29, June 5, and June 19 @ 6:30 p.m. Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church, 101 Fairgrounds Rd, Plymouth, NH