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Apply for a New Hampshire Friendship Chorus Scholarship

The New Hampshire Friendship Chorus is looking for active and dedicated musicians who might need a helping hand to join this tour! Over the past decade many choristers, who would otherwise not have been able to join our program, have been awarded scholarships to assist in covering a portion of the full cost of the trip.


The New Hampshire Friendship Chorus scholarship program is a competitive initiative to assist singers who may not be able to personally fund a Friendship Chorus trip. Awards typically range from 25% to 50% of the trip cost and are subject to availability on a trip by trip basis.


Recipients of awards are expected to use their skills and talents to assist the chorus in a variety of roles. Recipients may serve as section leaders or as various assistants to trip leaders before, during, and after the tour. For more information about possible ways in which scholarship recipients can assist and improve the quality of the NHFC, please review the scholarship application form.


Scholarship recipients should expect to be welcomed, as well as welcoming, full participants in the NHFC community of singers. 

You may apply for a scholarship by completing the application on Google docs via the link at the top of this page. Applications must be submitted by December 1, and decisions will by announced by December 15.

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